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大量Cheat Code

"C:\Midtown\midtown.exe" -allrace........释出所有赛道
"C:\Midtown\midtown.exe" -allcars........释出所有车辆
"C:\Midtown\midtown.exe" -allcars -allrace........同时激活以上两项秘技

密码 ........效果
Showme Cops ........在地图上显示所有警察
Bug Bus Party ........所有车变成巴士
Tiny Car ........所有车变成小车子
amizdA eoJ ........所有车倒后行走
Jet Planes ........所有车变成飞机
Warp Eleven ........十倍 AI

◆在单人模式的"Cruise Mode"使用下列密码作名称,可激活不同车子:
密码 ........车款
"vasedans" & Pick the Cadillac ........Generic car
"vasedanl" & Pick the Bullet ........Generic light car
"vavan" & Pick the Ford F350 ........The van
"vadiesels" & Pick the City Bus ........The Diesel
"vacompact" & Pick the VW Bug ........Rabbit-type compact car
"vapickup" & Pick the Ford F350 ........Pickup truck
"vabus" & Pick the City Bus ........新色系 Bus
"vadelivery" & Pick the Ford F350 ........Delivery truck
"valimo" & Pick the Mustang GT ........随机 limo
"valimoblack" & Pick the Mustang GT ........Black limo
"valimoangel" & Pick the Mustang GT ........White limo
"vataxi" & Pick the Cadillac ........Yellow cab
"vataxicheck" & Pick the Cadillac ........绿格子 cab
"vaboeing_small" & Pick the City Bus ........Mini-jet(小型飞机)

密码 ........效果
/nodamage ........车子不损坏模式
/damage ........有损坏(如有使用 /nodamage)
/dizzy ........天旋地转
/fuzz ........警察雷达开 / 关
/bridge ........桥的升降非常快
/ufo ........飞机变成 UFO
/swap ........火车变成 737 客机
/slide ........没有摩擦力
/talkfast ........加快
/talkslow ........减慢
big ........行人变大
tiny ........行人变细
nosmoke ........没有烟
smoke ........有烟(如之前使用 /nosmoke)

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